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Gender justice is a core value of SAP-Pakistan (SAP-PK) that cuts across the organization’s entire structures and programs in terms of a theme itself. Apart from the fact that gender is mainstreamed in SAP-PK, we also have an independent desk for policy guidance and review of gender aspects in all of our projects, managements and reporting.
Key Elements of SAP-PK’s Gender Justice Approach
- Women’s equal status in family, active participation in public life, and in the processes of decision making.
- Women economic empowerment and recognition of social and economic contribution
- Addressing practical needs like health, nutrition, water and sanitation as well as strategic needs of women including education, awareness, leadership, political participation
- Enabling them to combat violations through support structures at community levels
- Collective actions on women friendly laws and policies Engendering governance and politics.
SAP-PK’s thrust on the give theme is propelled by the philosophy that sustainable development is hard to achieve without equal participation of women and men in political, social and economic life. It is recognition of the fact that patriarchal structures, attitudes and practices prevailing in our society have created imbalance and triggered worst forms of violence towards women because of their vulnerability and unless justice is achieved in approaches, values and models sustainable development remains farce notion.
Gender Justice Strategy
In order to ensure gender justice, SAP-PK has adopted following strategies:
- Development of intellectual and practical capacity of community groups, NGOs, civil society organizations such as media, lawyers association, trade unions and political party activists.
- Increase in public awareness through electronic and print media, research, forums and public rallies.
- Lobbying and advocacy for pro-women laws, policies and practices.
- Provision of moral and legal support to women survivors of violence.
- Building of linkages of grass root initiatives with National and Regional gender justice networks.
Development Snapshot
- “Ending violence against Women Campaign” in 19 districts
- Campaign on “We Can” in 30 districts of Pakistan participation in “We Can” regional network
- Gender Justice through collective community actions
- Livelihood models for women by the women in rural areas of Pakistan
- Promoting gender justice in family inheritance and marriage of consent in two districts
- Supporting women rights movements in Pakistan and South Asia.
- Gender Policy of SAP-PK and mainstreaming strategy addressing constrains of women mobility and childcare, arrangements where restriction exists on women’s participation.
- Active 600 women community groups in 20 districts of Pakistan working for ending violence.
- CSOs, media persons and opinion makers have started raising voice against violence of all forms.
- 150,000 men, women and young people have pledged their support as “Change Makers” against violence.
- Officials of 30 police stations, 3 women jails and 3 shelter homes have gone through gender sensitization sessions with SAP-PK.
- Formation of 1200 women community groups at grass roots level.
- Special efforts to organize women groups in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 40 women groups, structures including president, convener, co-convener. District level networks and their structures formed.
- 10764 members of groups (7667 males and 3094 females) were trained on various issues and skills, such as, democratic governance and human rights, women’s rights, gender justice, and gender responsive budgeting.
- 350 community organizations are trained in gender development concepts and skills.
- A gender sensitive monitoring system has been introduced.
- A support structure has started to evolve for preventing violation of women rights including violence against women, early marriages, exchange marriage, honor killing.
Researches on Gender issues including Rural women and Globalization, Women participation in Local Government, Violence against women, Wages of Women Peasants and Workers.