
South Asia Partnership-Pakistan (SAP-PK)

SAP-PK is registered as a society under Society Registration Act 1860 and has its registered office based in Lahore and has provincial presence through its staff, local partners and volunteers in all five provinces i.e. Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan. It has range of partners (mostly community-based organizations) and volunteers working in 86 districts across Pakistan. It also has a range of volunteers (including male, female, girls, boys, trans persons, PWDs, minority rights activist, trade-union workers, peasants, media persons, lawyers and bar council representatives, artists, writers, media associations, youth groups, women movements and workers unions to name a few) in almost all its 86 outreach districts.


Trained 1500 community groups voicing for pro-people, policies and laws
District Partners and Networks in 86 districts (150 trained partners including 25% women-led)
Focus on youth employability through skills, business development and training on masculinity
5500 community women leaders across 40 districts are leading local planning & governance systems
Elected representatives (300, including 60% women)
Parliamentarians Action Groups in 4 provincial and one national assembly with approx. membership of 150 (50 women parliamentarians)
Women are better mobile and get access to social services at the local level
UC forums in 40 districts are supporting gender budgets and addressing issues of rights


Peoples’ Actions for Climate Resilience (PACR)

Peoples Action for Climate Resilience (PACR) Program (2024-2026) is a three-year program and is the continuity of PLRP and its core objectives and is being implemented in the same geographical areas.

Bawaqar Aurat Khushal Muaashra Campaign

The South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK) is implementing a Social and Behavior Change Communication campaign aimed at reducing social and structural barriers facing women particularly in textile and fashion industries.

Empowering Women Through Social Justice (EWSJ)

Empowering Women Through Social Justice (EWSJ) is a 6-month (May-October2024) project supported by UN-Women Pakistan. The project is being implemented in 10 union councils of Peshawar and Khyber district in KP province.

Democracy and Empowered Women – Jamhooriat Aur Baikhtiár Aurat (JAZBA)

South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK) and Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation (AF) envisage a five-year program enhancing inclusive democratic processes and participation for the advancement of women’s rights and at risk populations, such as minorities & trans-gender communities in approximately 40 districts of Pakistan spread all across four provinces and GB.

AAWAZ Voice and Accountability Programme

This program in brief envisions stable, tolerant, inclusive, prosperous and democratic Pakistan. It strives to strengthen the fragile democratic processes, by making them more inclusive, accountable and thus stable

Protecting Basic Human Rights of Vulnerable Religious Minorities

South Asia Partnership-Pakistan (SAP-PK) is a network of seven voluntary organizations working in Canada and six countries of South Asia, which are Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.



Mohammad Tahseen, Executive Director of South Asia Partnership Pakistan and Chairperson of Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF), addresses the SDPI’s conference on “Fragility to Resilience: Through Citizen-Led Accountability” held in Islamabad on November 5, 2024. He emphasizes the transformative potential of citizen-led accountability in building resilient and self-reliant communities across Pakistan, where citizens actively hold the government accountable.

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