We Can- End All Violence Against Women (EVAW), is a regional campaign that aims to decrease acceptance of violence in the society through attitudinal change. The campaign is currently ongoing in six countries of South Asia including India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The campaign was launched in September 2004 in Bangladesh. Successive national launches have been held in Sri Lanka, India, Nepal and Pakistan. The campaigns four phases focus on awareness raising, building networks, doing joint efforts and integrating actions.

The campaign objectives are:
• A fundamental shift in social attitudes and beliefs that support Violence against Women (VAW)
• A collective and visible stand on VAW by different sections of the community
• A popular movement to end all VAW
• A range of local, national and regional alliances working to end VAW Who is a Change Maker?
A Change Maker is any person (or group of persons) who pledges that they will not commit any violence in their relationships and will influence ten other people in their sphere to change their attitude and not to resort to violence in any form. Presently there are more then 1.5 million Change Makers in South Asia. It is envisaged that by 2011 five million Change Makers will be mobilized across the region.

‘We Can’ campaign in Pakistan
We Can’ Campaign is a national alliance-led initiative that aims to unite institutions, organizations and individuals across Pakistan in their efforts to create a fundamental shift in the attitudes, beliefs and behavior that perpetuate violence against women. In Pakistan the campaign was launched nationally in 2006 after a baseline survey was conducted to identify districts that have highest incidence of violence. Currently, the campaign is active in 32 districts and all four provinces. There are close to 172,000 registered change makers working in all four provinces. The campaign is led by Oxfam GB and is steered by 400 allies. Five provincial partners work closely with district allies in 32 districts. Pakistan campaign aims to reach out to 700, 00 change makers by 2011. We Can campaign secretariat is in the process of establishment. The secretariat will be steered by a national level core group. Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO) as a member of the national core group will host the secretariat for the first year.

Honour Killing

Women Protection Bill

Confronting Honour Killing

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