Pakistan Coalition for Free and Fair Democratic Elections (PACFREL) is a broad coalition of Pakistani national civil society organizations believing in democracy and transparent democratic processes. It was established in 2006 and since its inception, it has been thriving to advocate and ensure citizens right to participate in democratic processes, its other most important role as envisaged by its core members is strengthening democratic institutions at national and grass roots level. PACFREL’s secretariat is a blend of eight national organizations having nationwide outreach, partnership with thousands of organizations and presence in rural and urban communities of Pakistan. These are Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), Ecumenical Advocacy Forum (EAF), South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK), Aurat Foundation (AF), Strengthening Participatory Organizations (SPO), SUNGI Development Foundation (SDF), Interactive Resource Centre (IRC) and Pakistan Institute for Labor Education and Research (PILER).

PACFREL, as a first step forward, has decided to launch Citizens Campaign for Free and Fair Elections (CCFFE), that aims at promoting democratic values and holding free and fair elections in Pakistan, allowing all citizens including youth, minorities, women and most marginalized get heard and represented by their own true representatives. It also endeavors to highlight the presence of millions of missing people from the electoral lists and intends to draw attention of authorities towards providing them “Identity Cards”.

CCFFE will endeavor to form opinion and institute informed action of citizens by conducting research, building capacities of voters and election monitoring teams, launching media campaigns, holding interactive theatrical performances and by engaging masses, thousands of organizations and electoral candidates into interactive dialogues. It will offer membership to all Pakistani civil society organizations believing in democracy and good governance. CCFFE will expand its outreach to 106 districts of Pakistan that ultimately will cover the entire spread of the country.

PACFREL along with its elections related activities will continue to highlight issues pertaining to democracy like, provincial autonomy, provinces rights over natural resources, revising concurrent list, provincial financial awards, rights violations by the state and producing impartial, nonpartisan and facts based reports reflecting peoples aspirations. Project Website:

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