There is a need to contribute to the stabilization of the region through conflict-resolution processes, capacitating public institutions to deliver better services and strengthening civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate for reforms. The CAPD will work with communities to make them aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens and enhance their dialogue with authorities to improve State performance. It will also focus on conflict-resolution mechanisms and engage communities and traditional governance structures to work towards non-violent conflict resolution.
The Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and the Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA) are lagging far behind in terms of development indicators. With populations of circa 3 and 8 million respectively, they have fewer opportunities to participate in social and economic development compared to other parts of Pakistan. 97% of females and 72% of males are illiterate in FATA, and most lack access to basic public services. The gap between State and citizens affects the efficient delivery of public services. While decades-long conflicts affect local populations negatively, the constitutional status of FATA/PATA challenges the rule of law, which paves the ground to extremists.
The CAPD is based on a Human Rights Based Approach making local communities aware of their rights and obligations as citizens and strengthening the linkage between communities and GoP (duty bearer) at agency/district level for effective service delivery. The process should sensitize communities to the importance of participation and encourage GoP to fulfill its obligations towards its constituency. The improved interaction between State and citizens on services, budgets and programs will improve local governance and livelihood opportunities.
Working on the promotion of peace and local conflict resolution systems, the CAPD focuses on building the capacities of various target groups, particularly the youth and women. This will enable communities to assume an active part in resolving local conflicts and promoting peace through awareness raising, dialogue and mediation processes.
The CAPD intends to strengthen civil society to advocate for, monitor and advise on political, legal and administrative reforms, some of which were announced in 2011. This process should allow CSOs to constructively influence the future of FATA/PATA through the promotion of peace building and basic human rights at local level.