Pakistan is facing the worst form of its social, political and economic downturn. Today, terrorism, human insecurity, gender based violence, ethnic and sectarian conflicts and diminishing livelihood options have become an introduction of the country. These problems have plagued the entire country literally from one corner to the other and have pushed people virtually to the wall.

SAP-PK would like to continue with its efforts to mobilize and develop communities through their local groups. With its strong roots and partnership with community organizations and NGOs from all four provinces (mainly 43 districts of Pakistan) SAP-PK proposes following program:

  • Demonstrate effective, viable community development models in at least 160 villages of 8 districts of Pakistan. These models will include effective approached of social mobilization, rural infrastructure development, social mobilization and vulnerability protection for rural poor
  • Provide hands-on training and system development support to 180 activists of 60 NGOs from all four provinces (preferably existing or potential partners of PPAF from these provinces). These training will include sessions, field exposures, action learning and system designing and operational help.

SAP-PK plans to implement “SDVRC” exclusively in rural areas of Pakistan for the socio-economic development of the most vulnerable at the one hand and socially excluded and the poorest. Considerations for so doing are poor rural infrastructure, inadequate social service infrastructure, insecurity of food. These services will be delivered through locally formed and self-motivated community organizations and a strong social mobilization process.
The learning of the community interventions and social mobilization will then incorporated into a training and capacity building program for other social organizations.

South Asia Partnership Pakistan believes that Human and Institutional Development (HID) is a people centered and people oriented approach. Thus it has to be inclusive, holistic and it must aim at promoting sustainable development of the most impoverished segments of society. It must ensure that the required systems, structures and programs for the development of poor are worked with their inclusion in the development processes and in turn are institutionalized with their participation.”
People-centered development practices require, “the need to strengthen institutional and social capacity supportive of greater local control, accountability, initiative and self-reliance. The transfer of capital is seen as less central. A high priority will be placed on a process of democratization. The people/partners will be encouraged to mobilize and manage their own local resources, resource providers and with government in an enabling role”.

Project Completion Report 

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